GiveBack Bracket (Password: "12over5") > FREE PRIZES! https://tournament.fantasysports.yahoo.com/mens-basketball-bracket/group/82512/invitation?key=1fc958b6f81d496f
I like to "give-back" to the people that have stuck with me and supported me through this journey of CheatSheetPros. Feel free to enter a bracket and win some prizes on us!
We also brought back the "LIFETIME Membership" bracket for this year and added a pretty sweet 2nd place prize for the runner up! Last year "Michael D." was our "Lifetime Membership" Bracket winner and this year we are going to add another plus give away and auto-graphed NFL jersey! (To enter: Venmo/Cash App "HaZeBets" with your email address and I'll send you the link and password. $10 for 1 bracket or $20 for 3 brackets!)
